Saturday, July 4, 2009

Buy Setool 3

SETool 3 is a new version of SeTool2. Setool3 features are all functionality of Setool2 with extra new features. Such as compatibility for K750 and support w800, F500C, K300i, F500i, U8110, U8120 and Sharp phones. You can flash without any TestPoints. Repairing K310 and K750 phones are very easy.
Below are some features of Setool3

- Direct unlock operator/subest-provider lock.
- Clear or read user-lock/code.
- Repair software faults so as ''Configuration error. Please contact your network operator or service centre''.
- Write custom language-packs and upload SFA (Signed File Archive).
- Change languagepack and software customization.
- Read backup of GDFS zones for all parameters ''e.g. security-zone, battery-paramter, calibration, et.c''.
- Write GDFS zone to all parameters ''e.g. security-zone, battery-paramter, calibration, et.''.
- Change CID number and revision, which will allow you use the original SonyEricsson upgrade service.
- Changing color of RSA certificate - allows you to convert developer phones to accept retailed firmwares.
- Enable/Disable camera shutter sound.
- Change bandlock settings, possibiity to enable GSM1800 MHz on UMTS phones.
- Repair prevent accidentaly damaged GDFS zones.
- Reset air time, reset total call time, reset life time & joystick counter.
- Read file system (FS) ''e.g. listdir, listfiles,''.
- Emptyboard filling which allows you to fill OTP IMEI area.
- Decustomize branded firmwares on developer/retail phones.
- Convert V800/V802SE to Z800i, phone will be totally decustomized ''Unbranded version, NO Vodafone''.
- Write and replace custom files in file system (FS) directory ''e.g. mp3, pictures, tones, change SMS tones, et.c''.
- Write almost any combination of languages and T9 dictionaries. V800/V802SE EROM repair.
- Full support for OTP CID's: 16/29/36. Fast USB-flashing support, fully compatible with ''e.g, Fighter SE USB cable,''
- Compatible with SarasBoxes, T28-serial cable.